Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Shoaib and Sania

It has been quite some time since my last post on my forum, but the latest escapades being televised, showcased and mocked by our critics has forced me to come out of hibernation and vent my frustration. Today I read an article written in the sports section of The News by another blogger which roused my anger towards critical writing such as hers. I could have accepted her 'opinion' if it was only restricted to her blog, but by publishing it in a national newspaper, both the newspaper and the writer should be held responsible for being non-judgemental.

I would like to quote the blogger when she wrote the following :

"The big question on everyone’s mind is this: Shoaib Malik may have finally gotten his dream of marrying an Indian girl (he is allegedly already married to the Hyderabad-based Ayesha Siddiqui) but what’s in this deal for Sania? Either the 24 year old knows that her tennis career is already close to being over (she has been ranked at 92 this year) or love truly is blind! There could be no other explanation for her to risk her career, popularity and nationality for one Shoaib Malik. If it were Imran Khan we would completely understand but this is Malik, who faces a one year ban from the Pakistan Cricket Board."

-Source : Somethinghaute

I hope my readers can understand the point I am trying to make here. How can this blogger write such an insulting article and then agree to publish it for the nation to read and formalize opinions in line with her opinion?? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...is it not?? Or is this blogger a model herself?? I think not!!

But lets not target just this critic. I would now like to turn your attention to the harressing news reporters and news packages being aired regarding this union between two sport celebrities.
Various channels quite blatantly showcase this marriage with cheap music in order to mock one of the most happiest moments in Shoaib's life.

How many times has he won matches for us?? How many times has he faced ricicule due to the lack of performance on the field?

Yes, he is facing a one year ban, and yes, he has admitted that he 'knew' an Ayesha Siddiqui. So what? Havent we all been at fault at some time or the other?? Would Hamid Mir and Kamran Khan appreciate it if their private lifes are turned upside down the way Shoaib and Sania's life is being scrutinized at the moment?

This video just shows how low we have sunk and how we excel is showcasing ourselves as uneducated and destructive people to the world.


I would just like to close by pointing out that this union should be encouraged and supported since this brings two countries closer at a crucial time in history. This is another excuse for both India and Pakistan to join hands and throw a wedding of not two people but two countries.

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