Friday, September 4, 2009

I am a Pakistani Minister and I have a Land Cruiser

So on the 13th of June, 2009...I was traveling down one of the most prestigious but most congested areas of Karachi, Zamzama when in front of my car was a huge Toyota Land Cruiser trying to double park. As you can see see in the picture taken by yours truly, The licence plate clearly spelled out MINISTER. What did I see wrong in this picture??

1) Why and how is a government official driving around in an imported Land Cruiser??

2) Why is he/she allowed to have a vanity plate that highlights that they are a Minister more visibly than the number on the plates themselves??

When I saw the SUV in front of me, instantly these questions popped into my mind and I wondered who is to judge them? Should us, the people have the right to stop the Minister...ask for his/her name and designation and lodge a formal complaint?? But the question is lodge a formal complaint to whom??
All these are questions that I am looking answers for.....

Once again, this forum is just a platform for the youth, for the generation that has some major problems with the way things have been working...

Any comments?

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